Mystery Blogger Award – Third Nomination

I’m really overwhelmed and humbled to receive the third nomination for the Mystery Blogger Award and the second from the same person: Ribana “popsiclesociety blog”.

Ribana was born and raised in Romania. A very positive and honest person, she wishes to be a tourist forever, she lives currently in Singapore.

Beautiful pictures, wisdom, fun and positivity, check her blog and enjoy!
Thank you so much Ribana for the nomination, for your lovely posts and the interactions on my blog as well 😊

What Is The Mystery Blogger Award? As copied from Ribana’s post.

Mystery Blogger Award” is an award for amazing bloggers with ingenious posts. Their blog not only captivates; it inspires and motivates. They are one of the best out there, and they deserve every recognition they get. This award is also for bloggers who find fun and inspiration in blogging; and they do it with so much love and passion.
– Okoto Enigma


  • Put the award logo/image on your blog
  • List the rules.
  • Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
  • Mention the creator of the award and provide a link as well.
  • Tell your readers 3 things about yourself
  • You have to nominate 10-20 people
  • Notify your nominees by commenting on their blog
  • Ask your nominees any 5 questions of your choice; with one weird or funny question
  • Share a link to your best posts.

3 things about myself:

  • I’m not in my twenties anymore, I know many think I am, not only here even who knows me in person, reason why I don’t tolerate many things you see?
  • I run from snobby, shallow and over-confident people no matter how good “their heart is” .
  • I’m the kind of person that people want to tell me anything the moment they meet me and I’m a very good listener and secret keeper reason why I still have friends from school, high school, university, work, life, my trips and even social media.

Ribana’s Questions and relative answers:

  1. Do you prefer cooking at home or eating out?
    Always loved eating out, Burger was my first love (It’s Shawarma now) haha but I eat all what mom cooks and I never complained.
  2. Where would you like to travel?
    Italy mostly and to some countries I always thought they’re perfect like “Switzerland” “Norway” “Denmark, I also don’t mind to be a tourist forever!
  3. E-books or paper books?
    Paper books, I love to see books and feel the paper touch.
  4. Are you singing in the shower?
    Yes most of the times 😊😁
  5. Sea or mountain? Always Mountain, nature can affect my entire mood

My questions: (Better to say I pass than to answer half or fake answer)

  1. Brunei’s anti-gay law went into effect this week, anyone found guilty with adultery and homosexual sex will be stoned to death ! I know you are against not the question.  If your kid now or in the future, if you ever had kids, confessed to you that they are gay. What would you do? How would you react ?
  2. What’s your major (if student) or profession?
  3. Why you started blogging?
  4. Describe one awkward moment happened to you and you were really embarrassed
  5. You are a decision maker in your country and have the ultimate power, name the first decision you will take without any hesitation.
  6. Tom or Jerry?

My nominations:

  1. Deepa
  2. Elizabeth
  4. Ma Vie En Douleurs
  5. Ronnie
  6. Sazz
  7. N.Zain
  8. Betul:
  9. Sonia
  10. Notes from B
  11. Athena
  12. Mabel
  13. Fisher Of Men

Good luck fellows 😊

Share a link to your best posts:

I believe each post is unique and it’s unfair to choose but I will choose randomly some posts and you can choose yours, I rather the readers choose.

Hope you enjoyed reading! Please feel free to share your thoughts 😊

Huguette Antoun – April 4th 2019

100 thoughts on “Mystery Blogger Award – Third Nomination

    1. Thank you for stopping by 😊 nice of you, triple is very good 😊
      I guess some of your comments are going to spam , I left some comments on your posts they didn’t go through

  1. Congratulations! Well deserved! … I would love to travel to Italy as well, I’m hoping sometime soon, me & hubby never had a honeymoon so I keep dripping hints that he should take me. Hopefully he’ll get the message… Hopefully! 😆❤

    1. Thank you Suki 😊 I really wish you’ll be able to make it! Is he reading? hahaha
      A honeymoon will be perfect in Italy 😀 Keep dripping these hints and if it takes time, just tell him: move your ass we’re going to Italy 😂😂😂

  2. Good evening, congratulations, tourist forever, i would like to be as well😀, paper books is the best ones, i don’t know, why many people reading it from tablets, powerful questions, bonne soiree😎

    1. Good evening Ilona 🙂 Thank you so much for reading and glad we’re alike in some aspects 😊 Well people find it easier from tablets, I have kindle but I still prefer books, problem is when to carry many books on the move, better to have them in a small device 🙂
      Be my guest if you want to answer them 👍☺Good night, it’s midnight here ❤

  3. Félicitations… Vous avez le talent de mettre en évidence des choses qui parfois nous échappent et vous avez cette touche de simplicité a expliquer les choses… Et votre sincérité et votre dévouement… Toutes ces choses ont fait que vous soyez nominée pour la troisième fois… Bravo…et bonne chance…👍

    1. Merci Sofiane pour ces jolis mots 😊 j’apprécie beaucoup votre support et respect
      Bonne chance à vous aussi, j’attends votre post 👍😊

  4. Coucou adorable huguette , je me sens vraiment flattée , merci pour ta nomination , et tu sais c’est des questions qui tournent fréquemment dans ma maison ces jours-ci et je vais répondre avec toute honnêteté :
    Q1 : cette question on l’a abordé mon fiancé et moi récemment , notre mariage approche donc on a parlé sur les enfants , et je lui ai posé la question pour avoir son avis , parce-que le mien a toujours été fixe. ma reaction serai de parler avec mon fils/fille, comprendre son orientationet et comment il a découvert sa nature , si son bonheur est d’ètre gay , et il ne voit sa vie que ainsi , je vais lui dire que son bonheur fait et fera mon bonheur.
    Q2 : je suis architecte et urbaniste.
    Q3 : la raison pour laquelle j’ai commencé a écrire , c’est que j’ai perdu mon job dans la boîte ou je bosser , je me donnais a fond pour des miette … je suis restée “Jobless” , j’ai beau cherché du travail hélas j’ai pas trouvé. Je savais pas quoi faire de mes journées. Mon frère ainé sait que je suis une personne qui aime écrire et lire , donc il m’a initié .
    Q4 : Un jour au bureau ou je travaillais , j’avais mis un pantalon en jean et un t-shirt , je suis sortie vers un autre bureau pour imprimé des fichiers , y’avait un nouveau mec que je connaissait pas , il était beau et tout, j’ai fait la navette plusieurs fois , puis lui il ottait pas ses yeux de moi , je croyais qu’il me draguait , puis un moment il est venu vers moi , moi j’étais toute excitée , il s’est approché de moi et il m’a dit : mademoiselle ta braguette était ouverte depuis tout à l’heure et je voulais te le dire , imaginez alors la honte !
    Q5 : la laicité , et je prendrai des decisions pour faire valoir les droits des femmes.
    Q6 :Tom

    1. Oh vous l’avez fait ici ☺ merci pour répondre et très vite hahah
      Vous méritez la nomination et j’ai aimé vos réponses! “je vais lui dire que son bonheur fait et fera mon bonheur.” Parfait!
      Architecte et urbaniste, vraiment géniale!
      Qu’est ce qu’on dit que parfois les mauvaises choses qui se passent ne poussent vers des bonnes choses, c’est génial de vous avoir ici avec toutes ces idées et merci a votre frère aussi 😊
      Hahahhah OMG ! Je peux imaginer, c’est vraiment drôle maintenant mais je peux imaginer la honte quand c’est arrivé
      J’espère vraiment que vous aurez le pouvoir, la laïcité et les droits des femmes sont des cause parfaites 👍👍 Quel est votre nom ? je sais pas si j’ai demandé et j’apprécie votre temps vraiment et si vous voulez faire un post quand vous avez le temps, ca cera genial, comme vous voulez
      Bonne nuit et bonne chance ici et dans votre vie 😊😊

      1. Merci à vous pour votre gentillesse, oui je le ferai sous forme de poste assurément, merci de m’avoir lu , mon nom c’est Souad , vous avez déjà croisé un tel nom? Bisous

      2. Bonjour, j’espère que vous passez une bonne journée
        Enchantée Souad, oui certainement je connais le nom, une de mes tantes s’appelle Souad, le nom est très familier ici 🙂 Bonne chance et à très bientôt

  5. Congratulations Huguette!!
    See, I told you, you’re killing it with the awards and you didn’t fail to yet again!😉
    Beautiful views from your hometown balcony. So much greenery!
    No wonder who can choose between tom and Jerry!?!?😂
    But I’d rather choose Jerry.☺️
    Congratulations again! Of course you deserved it!!😊

    1. Thank you Priya 🙂 Hahaha again they’re killing me, it takes lot of time to prepare a decent post 😊 Yes this is the house we didn’t get to really live in until this very day 🙂 Hopefully we will
      Appreciate your kindness and supportive words as always 😊
      Well I always loved Jerry hahah but I feel sorry for Tom sometimes 😀

  6. Thank you Huguette! I hope one day to meet you traveling around the world and being tourist forever 🌎 😊 I also love paper books, the smell and feeling of the paper is so satisfying but unfortunately I need to settle with mostly ebooks since I’m renting and the apartment is small and with this humidity all the paper books after a few months are so yellow and moist 😔 But this will not stop me anyway ☺️ I spend quite a lot of time in the book shops 😊 I hope you’ll be able to visit Italy! Even if I was born and raised in Romania, Italy is my home in all aspects 💕

    1. Good morning Ribana 😊 I wish that too! And wish you the same 🙂
      Books are great! Sometimes I buy them because I love to look at them haahaha so weird, but I love the book touch, not having lot of time to read and not practical when you spend lot of time moving from a place to place and humidity as you said but still 😊
      Well what’s better to have Italy as your home? 😀 I really wish one day, it’s not that hard, needs a bit of planning that’s it 😊
      Thank you for nominating me and for reading, always glad to communicate with you 💕😊

    1. Let’s hope you will visit Lebanon and I will make you stand on the same balcony 😊 I feel sad that we didn’t get the chance to really live in this house after we were displaced, even if people were back but we couldn’t yet, we just visit it from time to time after it was rebuilt, hope we will someday

  7. Congratulations again🤗❤️ and thank you for the nomination…will post my response to your questions soon😊 Je suis malade, j’ai de la fièvre..
    Btw, Wonderful view from your balcony😍

    1. Thank you Mabel 😊 my pleasure and well deserved
      I’m sorry to hear that 😑 get well soon and take good care ❤️
      Thank you dear 😊 glad you loved it

  8. Congratulations Huguette! Great achievement! You thoroughly deserve it! The quality of your post and photos and your genuine nature are more than enough to put you on the top!😉
    Ok, I’m going to risk it, and admit full on: I am jealous! Yes, you heard it well, I am. You are just so blessed to have that views from your balcony!!!! 😂 Plus those photos just stirred my longing of home! ❤️
    And, after reading and repeat – still can’t believe it – thank you for nominating me and for reading and comment my posts, and for your invaluable tips, wow, you’re amazing and I am so grateful! 💕
    I will post my response to your questions soon…
    Congratulations again!🤗❤️

    1. Hahahah thank you Sonia 😊😊 I’m glad you’re jealous, means I’m doing something good 😌😌
      But let me make you cry now, we were displaced and this house was destroyed, we rebuilt it but until now didn’t have the chance to live in it just few visits (still smiling ? 🤓) I love there so much, I’m actually the only one among my siblings who does
      Now to be back, thank you for the heartwarming words, I’m overwhelmed really ❤️ and it was my pleasure to nominate you, you’re talented and loved your character as far as I remember 👍😊 looking forward to reading your post and answers 😊 enjoy the weekend 💕💕

  9. Congrats ❤ well deserved=) Living in mountains is blessing especially on summer in Lebanon away from humidity so I envy you for this. Hope one day you will be able to go to Italy, d3ileh erba7 lotto so I can visit all Europe. I agree paper books all the way ❤ You ooze genuineness and kindness which is rare in our society nowadays =) I’m not in my twenties anymore (thanks for the reminder, I think I suffer from Peter Pan syndrome :D)

    1. Awal shi yaaaaaa rab terba7i el loto 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻😁😁
      I really wish I can be tourist forever aw b gheyr hal balad for a start 😊
      Thank you so much! Kenti 3a awal el list of nominees ba3dayn elt akid super busy baleha bass u can answer the questions 😌
      Ana mn el shouf thajjarna b 7arb el jabal w ma sakkaneh ba3d lal beyt 😑 mnotla3 talllet
      Bass ktir bheb fo2
      Thank you for such heartwarming words, I work hard to always improve and to always practice what I preach ❤️
      Oh don’t worry kelna 3enna Peter Pan syndrome😁ennu meen baddu yekbar w lashuu 😊bass saraha zhe2t mn hal wled el bl ta3sh flirting with me hahah

  10. Hey, congratulations again. People nominate you because you are absolutely fantastic. We are very much same you know because I run from arrogant and over confident people, love to read paper books only and love mountain💕💕 your questions are spot on. You know,the new law in Brunei really broke my heart. I won’t say much but it is just very normal this sexual orientation and these things. I think I answered your first question 😊 much love❤️

    1. Hello dear and thank you so much 😊 but I also didn’t nominate fantastic people like you just to give chance to another people 😊
      I’m glad to find like-minded people and we’re so alike as I see 💕 you answered the most important question that many won’t have the courage to! 👍👍
      Brunei is stoned them literally but most of the world is stoned them daily….what a sad world
      Much love to you as well ❤️😊

      1. Yes. you are right. The laws only exist, aren’t implemented. I was a bit scared to answer the question but then I realised that you had the courage to ask so I may as well answer the most important question. I really am sad( if not angry) over what happened there.
        Anyway, happy to be a friend of you, an amazing person.
        But really the most important question was tom or jerry one! 😛 I can’t choose really but I think I would go with jerry. He is too cute😂❤️

      2. Same here dear, you’re a great person and your parents are surely proud 😊
        Don’t be scared to answer anything at all in my blog
        Hahahah Tom or Jerry i always loved Jerry and sometimes I feel sorry about Tom 😂 but one doesn’t exist without the other 😊

      3. Exactly. Inseparable. I always think that tom and jerry kinda love each other 😋

      4. It’s definitely one kind of love 😁there are plenty out there 🤓 these people who always fight but they adore each other’s 🤔🤔

      5. Yes exactly and if not for the other one, how would they live because apparently they spend their days chasing each other 😂

      6. Hahhaah exactly! There is one episode when one of them leaves, forgot which one and the other was so sad and did everything to bring him back don’t know if you remember it 😁

      1. I commented on our previous post, where you posted pictures of the Lebanese civil war and the wonderful song of the small child. No problem, you can always check it out when you have the computer ☺️

      2. Oh so sorry! from yesterday I couldn’t check from computer
        Will certainly do, your interaction is so important to me ❤️😊

      3. And I love to interact with you. I have some very deep respect for you truly and you are a person I admire. Don’t be sorry, this happens. You can alwys check it later😊

  11. Huguette. As far as I’m concerned you still haven’t received enough awards! Long may they continue. You deserve each and every one of them.
    ps. I was a bit awol for a while there so I’m trying to catch up on posts missed. Hope you are having a great weekend. Much love to you 🙂

    1. Thank you Chris for these lovely words! I’m humbled really 🤗
      I noticed and assumed you’re busy, hope all is well and nothing is wrong
      My weekend is great thank you, hope you’re having a great weekend as well
      Much love to you 😊

      1. You’re very welcome Huguette. Glad you’re having a great weekend. Me too 😊
        All is well. Thanks for the concern. Had some obligations and guests this past few days. Really missed my WordPress time.
        Much love to you too Huguette 🤗

      2. Glad it’s just guests and you’re having a great weekend 😊😊👍
        Yes WordPress community is a total new world! But we all have a life out there so we need to manage 🙂
        Have a great evening 😊

  12. Congrats again! You’re love. That’s no surprise 😄. Yes, you have that mysterious power that makes me want to spill my secrets. Haha

      1. I’ll answer it as the last time. I forgot my wallet and my friend had to pay for my share of the drinks. I paid him back the next time I saw him but it was very embarrassing.

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